The Driver class

The Driver class is the gateway to much of the functionality of this library. It has many options and top-level functions are detailed here.


connection(), pagination(), and resolve()

The connection function returns a wrapper for an entity type. This wrapper, in combination with the resolve and pagination functions, implements the GraphQL Complete Connection Model.

use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\ORM\GraphQL\Driver;

$driver = new Driver($this->getEntityManager());

$schema = new Schema([
    'query' => new ObjectType([
        'name' => 'query',
        'fields' => [
            'artists' => [
                'type' => $driver->connection(Artist::class),
                'args' => [
                    'pagination' => $driver->pagination(),
                'resolve' => $driver->resolve(Artist::class),


Based on the attribute configuration of an entity, this function adds a filter argument to a connection. See filters for a list of available filters per field. The args field must be filter.

Filters are applied to a connection. It is also possible to use them ad-hoc as detailed in tips.

'args' => [
    'pagination' => $driver->pagination(),
    'filter' => $driver->filter(Artist::class),


This function creates an InputObjectType for the given entity. There are three parameters: The entity class name, an array of required fields, and an array of optional fields.


This function returns GraphQL types for all Doctrine types, any custom types, and Doctrine entity types.

There are two type containers: TypeContainer and EntityTypeContainer. Types from each of these containers are returned from this type() function.

See types for details on custom types and using the TypeContainer.

The EntityTypeContainer is used only for Doctrine entities and is populated though the metadata. This class is used internally for generating ObjectType types for entities.

Though a connection is a type, it is not available through this function. Use the connection function of the Driver.


The Driver takes a second, optional, argument of type ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\ORM\GraphQL\Config. The constructor of Config takes an array parameter.

The parameter options are:


This is a common namespace prefix for all entities in a group. When specified, the entityPrefix such as, ‘App\ORM\Entity\’, will be stripped from driver name. So App_ORM_Entity_Artist_groupName becomes Artist_groupName See also groupSuffix


An array of filters to exclude from all available filters for all fields and associations for all entities.


Each attribute has an optional group parameter that allows for multiple configurations within the entities. Specify the group in the Config to load only those attributes with the same group. If no group is specified the group value is default.


By default, the group name is appended to GraphQL types. You may specify a different suffix or an empty suffix. When used in combination with entityPrefix your type names can be changed from App_ORM_Entity_Artist_groupname to Artist


When set to true, all fields and all associations will be enabled. This is best used as a development setting when the entities are subject to change. Really.


When globalEnable is set to true, this array of field and association names will be excluded from the schema. For instance ['password'] is a good choice to ignore globally.


This overrides the byValue entity attribute globally. When set to true all hydrators will extract by value. When set to false all hydrators will extract by reference. When not set the individual entity attribute value is used and that is, by default, extract by value.


A hard limit for all queries throughout the entities. Use this to prevent abuse of GraphQL. Default is 1000.


When entity types are created, and after the definition event, the fields will be sorted alphabetically when set to true. This can aid reading of the documentation created by GraphQL.


When set to true hydrator results will be cached for the duration of the request thereby saving multiple extracts for the same entity. Default is false

Creating a Driver with all config options

use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\ORM\GraphQL\Config;
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\ORM\GraphQL\Driver;
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\ORM\GraphQL\Filter\Filters;

$driver = new Driver($entityManager, new Config[
    'entityPrefix' => 'App\\ORM\\Entity\\',
    'group' => 'customGroup',
    'groupSuffix' => 'customGroupSuffix',
    'globalEnable' => true,
    'ignoreFields' => ['password'],
    'globalByValue' => true,
    'limit' => 500,
    'sortFields' => true,
    'useHydratorCache' => true,
    'excludeFilters' => [Filters::LIKE],

This is documentation for API-Skeletons/doctrine-orm-graphql. Please add your ★ star to the project.

Authored by API Skeletons.